Thursday, April 10, 2014 oakley sunglasses wxfe

Good a shape intended to drill fresh waves turned boxing. At sea cried faintly good. Yu Cheng Hui also smiling : This is the real meaning of shape, think Mr. Wang Xingyi ** gun so powerful, makes mistakes makes mistakes ! Other people may not have two old traveler looking carefully, cheap toms just feel in front of a flower, blink of an eye it, Jet Li mighty shot was stopped. Etc. toms outlet wondering when Xiaohu has launched an attack, to see the flick Barrel Xiaohu hands. Tip is still trembling slightly.

I do not know why. Xiong Xinxin, namely, Chunhua Hu, who feel that strong gun contains a lot of strength, feeling very strange, let toms pondering unclear why. Look at Jet somber, at the foot of a chain wrong step backward, while shaking the hands of guns into the body lasts blade cm width coterie. This is the main bar to get defensive technique called spear circle turn in performances, also known as ring but fighting. This is to ensure defensive rigor, not because of the bar to get away from each other leaving a wide circle turned gunpoint close combat, long lost soldier advantage, turning ineffective, resulting in the control of others.

But fighting ring,toms outlet, the ring rolling gun and stopped to take important technical standard twisted class marksmanship. Nobody knows better than Jet Li Xiaohu powerful gun, do not look at the master has less gun, but in terms of long weapon, Wing Chun is indeed half oakley sunglasses past six Xingyi ** stick and gun expert, the former is the master housekeeping skills, the latter is for the filming of " Shaolin " Shen Zhong exercises specifically looking for a year's achievements. So long weapon. Especially in terms of guns, Xiaohu not only has a strong performative, only stronger but also actual combat !


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