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Rumors eat rabbit meat,ray ban sunglasses uk, raw cleft lip baby. Pregnant women, the elderly are not allowed to eat rabbit meat, on the grounds that : eat a rabbit, president of the birth of the baby rabbits three mouth. Cleft lip, cleft lip in medicine is called, is a common congenital malformations in children. Related genes in combination with cleft lip only, but also affected by viral infections, drugs nutrition, environment and other factors, and whether pregnant women eat rabbit irrelevant. Rumors five eating popsicles, baby shaking chin. Pregnant women eating popsicles, will give birth to a baby shaking chin. Maybe it is because too cold popsicles, frozen so the baby ?

Chin shaking baby will say no way to verify. Rumors of six will tire of eating dog meat. Folk pregnant women do not eat dog meat,ray bans online, dog meat soup saying do not drink, because the dog will of the child. No less than the mole terrible. In fact, dog sweet, warm, pregnant women can eat, but not recommended regularly eat or eat a lot, because the dog has kidney yang, strong effort, make blood effects, increased heat causes the body to eat more, not conducive to gather blood child support. Rumors seven eat barbecue, raw Heiwa. Pregnant women eat barbecue, black and white will affect your baby's skin, does the smoke ?

Eat barbecue with black skin is not related,ray ban uk, but try not to eat during pregnancy because of barbecue food will ever produce such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other carcinogens, and grilled meat are generally not very familiar with, such as Toxoplasma gondii can infect and damage the unborn child easily lead to miscarriage, mulberry bags outlet stillbirth or deformities. Rumors eight eating mango, skin yellow. Folk classification of fruit for pregnant women is very clear : to eat apples, watermelons, bananas, gave birth to baby skin white and tender ; oranges, mango baby skin yellow. It seems a long fruit leather baby bodies.


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