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Allowing the Knights trailing behind the increasing number of vultures, great unwieldy posture. In continuing to fly day and night after Shi Jun has been able to see distant jade dynasty northern border, but trailing behind the vultures nike air max 1 knight. But still failed to get rid of. Shi Jun looked back at the sky behind him. nike air max 95 Behind several kilometers in place, thousands of vultures in the Knights are struggling to catch up with nike air max 95. Although the double-headed Griffin injured, making the speed greatly slowed, but these vultures are still not able to catch up with the double-headed griffin, only trying to maintain the current of this distance will not be Shi Jun to throw off.

Despite the large number of vultures Knight thousands, but Shi Jun really did not give in to the eyes nike air max 90. Shi Jun believe that a tory burch sale rush to win from the hands of enough nike air max 95 arrows, can by virtue of their superior strength and cold Son, nike air max 95 to one shot. But Shi Jun did not turn around and rush vultures knight. Because in this knight among thousands of vultures, mingled with dozens of ice barbarian shaman ! Prior to the fight against female shaman, the Shi Jun has seen a powerful place ice barbarian shaman.

In Shi Jun seen the female shaman kill scenes, these ice barbarian shaman, will not give the opportunity to close nike air max 95 Shi Jun 's it. At the moment, nike air max 95 are surrounded by layers of knights in condor protected. Once Shi Jun wants to turn around and fight. So these witches will chant mantras ice pretty soon. Witchcraft, in order to give these vultures Knight blessing power while limiting Shi Jun and attack. A pattern you want to cut ice barbarian shaman and natural ties. The vultures will have to cool a few family Cavaliers guard wire around to kill the shaman.


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