Monday, December 2, 2013 chaussures ugg dckt

Wanted to look at this stuff is not really helpful. So try holding the mentality at the mall to buy two Sony headphones. Then hold the headset to find nike shoes for men CASE. But did not find. So he found a quality inspection department. nike air max 1 Not say personal inspection of goods purchased for identification. So nike air max 1 Trade and Industry has found. Trade and Industry said that the quality inspection departments must be certified. Proof headphones are fake. Running back and forth a few times so there is no identification of success. So the remaining ten nike air max 1 went to the mall to buy a whole.

Arcade initiative the goods back, but no compensation shall not confessed their goods in the end is not fake, just to give money to the nike air max trouble. nike air max 1 Second visit to Beijing later, it got reparations mall. Protection Act Implementation Rules ", nike air max 1 thinking about it more clearly under the law went shopping and bought some fake and shoddy products, this time the results were quite good, finally got a total of $ 8,000 in compensation. Later, Wang began a professional counterfeiting of course, this fake behavior to obtain compensation for the primary purpose attracted media attention, there is Stealing from Thieves hostages this means that doing so is the lack of legal basis, but Stealing from Thieves also suggested that the foundation is someone in counterfeiting and Fan Jia, so professional counterfeiting although they are for profit, but also limits the expansion of counterfeiting and Fan Jia wanton behavior objectively.

Wang came to find what thing did not make charges at this time is for a production motorcycle nike air max 1 trunk corporate fraud, a total take away a dozen dens children, but also to earn some money, but always felt that compensation is less Some, but it is not thought of such a big company Fan investment group will actually find on nike air max 1. Wang saw the range of disease, just to talk about nike air max 1 crackdown experience, and now to combat counterfeiting and businesses must be industry and commerce, public security deployed together, otherwise there is no effect. Because AIC did not exercise the power of chaussures ugg arrest, even find dens, find fake, only fines, confiscation of goods, people are taken away, because without this power.


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